More than two years on

Someone just asked me where my blog could be found and I suddenly realised that I have not posted anything for a long time so it is time for an update.

Well, to be honest it is pretty boring. My hip does not bother me in the slightest now and I rarely remember that I have had the operation. The hip works fine in almost every respect.

I do have to remember not to cross my left leg over my right and try hard not to over-do it in the gym but other than that it is completely normal. I no longer even consider that I once had problems putting my socks on and tying shoe laces so that is a major plus. In fact, I realised the other day that I have re-gained my balance too as I quite happily put my socks on while standing on one leg – I haven’t been able to do that for quite some time!

I think it is the fairly rigorous exercise regime that has helped. I can’t say that I have become an exercise addict but either walk, swim, cycle or go to the gym fairly frequently and do exercises most days. The rowing machine in the gym is a slight issue as there is a tendency for you to over-stretch the hip joint and pull a muscle but other than that I have had no issues. One thing that I think has helped a lot is the balance exercises that the physio taught me. This involves doing squats while standing on a wobble-ball. This really works on the micro-muscles around the hip joint and helps you re-gain your ability to balance.

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